Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Girl on Film

A few weeks ago I shared the "Tale of the Photo Session" all about the cover shoot for my soon to be released EP Breathing. While I had lots of details at the time, I didn't have any actual shots. happily, I now have in my hot little hands (or computer as the case may be) a few behind the scenes shots of the day in question which I am tickled to share with you.

It takes a village of highly trained specialists with a whole lot of product to get one redhead ready for her close-up.

Edwin Peterson, who masterminded the hair and make-up look for the session applies another layer of product assisted by Tommie.

Make-up artiste, Jay Milian, gives me an ultra smoky smoky eye. By the way, when the black eyeliner is coming straight at your eyeball it's best not to laugh, no matter how amusing the joke!

Did I mention how much Edwin REALLY loves product?

Having sufficiently shellacked me Jay and Edwin cross their fingers, give me a kiss for luck, and send me out into the tempest.

Having Conquered the elements my intrepid photographer Issac Bailey and I end our session slightly damper and crazier than before but with some really cool options for a cover. What will we choose? You'll have to stay tuned...

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